War and hunger. Italy 1940-1945

Abstract The Second World War represented a very difficult time for the whole of Europe regarding food supply and the civil population in many areas suffered from famine, which even caused many deaths. In order to contrast this problem, the European countries involved in this conflict reacted in different ways regarding food policies and the effects showed different results. This topic will be treated by looking at three aspects: the reduction of food availability which characterises all wars; the evidence of hunger and deprivation on the civil population; the propagandistic representation of a non-suffering Italy which can ‘peacefully’ face the the food emergency. Workshop Subject: Sources show, with few exceptions, how wartime events and Italian government politics brought to a depriving situation with lack of food and highlight the terrible conditions of the civil population and their struggle in finding food. On the other hand, other types of documents show the official versions of the regime portraying Italy without sufferance and able to use particular methods and forms of survival. The comparison of these two representations, looking at the Italian situation but also keeping a European perspective, will be fundamental. Workshop Goals: to show how conflict, in a total-war logic, totally transforms the civil population’s everyday life, even faraway from warfront areas. Classes involved: classes 3e, scuola secondaria di primo grado (lower secondary school). Duration: 4-6 hours Prerequisites: Basic...

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